Thursday, April 9, 2015

I am an Officer, be prepared to get killed

1) North Charleston 

A white South Carolina police officer has been charged with murder after a black man who appeared to be fleeing from him was shot dead. State investigators arrested North Charleston police officer Michael Slager on Tuesday after viewing a video of the shooting. Authorities say the victim, Walter Lamer Scott, was shot after the officer already targeted him with a stun gun.
A video of the incident published by the New York Times shows a brief scuffle before Scott begins running away. The video then shows the officer firing several shots at Scott, who falls to the ground.
The Post and Courier newspaper of Charleston reported that Scott had been arrested about 10 times, mostly for failing to pay child support or show up for court hearing. Scott's brother, Anthony, told the Post and Courier that he believed his brother fled from Mr Slager because he owed child support. Victim's brother Anthony Scott: "If there wasn't a video would we know the truth? We do know the truth now." 

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