Thursday, April 9, 2015

Affirmative action

1) Admitted while black

Kaling's brother, Vijay Chokal-Ingam, who is an American-Indian man, pretended to be a black man to facilitate getting accepted into med school 15 years ago. ... On his blog, Chokal-Ingam, 38, says that his modest 3.1 GPA didn't seem like it would cut it to get him accepted into a top tier medical school, so he adopted his middle name — Jojo — and gave himself a mini-makeover. "So, I shaved my head, trimmed my long Indian eyelashes, and applied to medical school as a black man," he writes. "My change in appearance was so startling that my own fraternity brothers didn't recognize me at first." 
Chokal-Ingam was accepted into some top medical schools, and he even enrolled in St. Louis University, before ultimately dropping out after two years. "Lucky for you, I never became a doctor," he wrote on his website. He did, however, earn his MBA at UCLA. Perhaps his conscience caught up to him, as he was accepted as an Indian man there. 
On his Facebook page, Vijay has been posting about how his scam awoke him to the realities of affirmative action and racism, calling it a "stomach churning eye opener." But he seems set on letting people know that he did not do anything bad. "For the record, I never lied about anything in my application to medical school except my race," he writes. 

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