This blog serves the purpose of shining a mirror at the custodians of democracy, liberalism, tolerance, milk and honey. Coming from a place besotted with liebe for all things American, it is good to be realistic in documenting the real problems of a real place such as America, despite claims to Utopia from neo-converts as well as the established erudites.
First, it is an educational exercise that roads often go two ways. A by-product of that education could be the nominal reduction in self-goals and perhaps, a self-reflection at either end. Second, it is fun and educational to play with numbers. But to play, one needs data -- qualitative as well as quantitative (easier said than done, especially when dealing with non-esoterica). New numbers lead to new techniques, new appraisals on effective and efficient data gathering mechanisms, confirming often hunched-upon conclusions based on solid rationale or dispelling popular myths, and more. Third, it is arrant commonsense to dispel myths of extraordinary exceptionalism. Like great power comes with great responsibility, claims to extraordinary exceptionalism should be associated with extraordinary scrutiny. And as the saying also goes, the top dog always gets hunted.
And finally, as a sucker for word plays, puns, double entendres, and the like, the post title is a pun on the need to meet a Vanakkam and a Vandhanam at a half-way street to take on the Greats of life. Short of that ideal goal, taking on the Great is a harder job than it could seem.
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